The House of Sand and Fog

This unbearably self-involved film weighed down by overbearing self-importance is very difficult to watch. Not only because it is very slow. Not even because the utterly contrived soundtrack is impossible to tolerate. Not even because the characters are all pathetic to say the least. The principal reason is that the film wants you to believe that all of this is great: a very arty Oscar aspiring effort, in reality is a very boring and unimportant picture.

Jennifer Connelley plays Kathy, a downer who gets evicted from her house for an absurd reason. Ben Kingsley plays Behrani, an Iranian expat with an identify crises. He buys the house in an auction. What follows is a long, dry and largely meaningless struggle by both to get control of the house. Well, it is not a struggle at all and that is the principle reason the film fails.

This is Ukranian Director Vadim Perlman’s first film. I think he can make a good movie if he loses the pretense for a better plot grip.