2014 resolutions: Taking stock

I had made 14 resolutions for 2014. On the last day of the year, its time to take stock and see how I fared. A quick summary is that I did fine but a lot got missed. So, like the joke going around on the internet, I can mostly just keep the same resolutions and change the year.

  1. Listen more….speak less. I think I mostly failed this one. I mostly buried myself in my phone or my thoughts and didn't really listen. I spoke a lot more than I should have. Specially when no one was really listening. 
  2. Write more…read less. I did better on this. I did write a lot. Almost 200 blog posts this year. Not bad. I still read a ton of trivia though.
  3. Code more…write less. I wrote a lot of code this year. However, it didn't really reach its final logical conclusion. 
  4. Internet more…Google less. I did use Google less this year in favor of directly accessing Wikipedia. This was greatly helped by Apple's new Spotlight feature on the Mac. I wish the iOS version worked nearly as reliably as the OSX version does. 
  5. Reality more…Internet less. I am not sure this worked. I was still buried in Internet heavily. Reality is just so less interesting or accessible :)
  6. Swim more…run less. Another one that partially worked. I did swim more this year and I did run a bit less (only 400 miles vs. 500 the year before) but I need to swim a lot more and run a lot less. 
  7. Sleep more...stress less. I didn't sleep more this year but I did stress less. 
  8. Make photos more…take less. I made a ton of photos this year but I also took a lot more - over 16,000! I can certainly do better and take a lot less. 
  9. Protein more…sugar less. Did good on this. 
  10. Cook more…eat less. Did poorly on this. In fact, I cooked less this year than any other year in the last 5 years. 
  11. Social more…media less. My wife would disagree but I think I was more social this year than most before. Though I was also pretty active on social media and media in general. 
  12. Travel more...complain less. We traveled a lot this year and I think I complained a bit less - though not sure everyone around me would agree. So work to do there. 
  13. Do more…to-do lists less. This was a success. I got a lot done, including reducing the use of to-do lists. 
  14. Live more...brood less. Hmmm. Tough one.