Goodbye Eric Woolfson of The Alan Parsons Project

Reading the news in the Times this morning of the passing away of Eric Woofson of 'The Alan Parsons Project' threw me back many years. Woolfson who was an engineer for Pink Floyd on big hits like the Dark Side of the Moon produced some rather amazing progressive rock hits via his own band - 'The Alan Parsons Project'.  By today's standards the songs sound rather electronic and sometimes dull but in the mid-80s and early 90s (when I heard them) it was quite an experience.

If you've never heard of this band then try out some or all of the following songs. You will not regret it. Excellent vocals, solid lyrics and pop/rock/synth that carries the songs far and well.
  • Limelight
  • Eye in the Sky
  • Time
  • Ammonia Avenue [certainly my favorite followed closely by Limelight]
  • Don't let it show
  • Standing on Higher Ground
  • Days are Numbers
Goodbye Woolfson. Your music was my companion at a period in my life. I thank you for it.