Little Miss Sunshine

After a long time you get to see this beautiful, funny, eccentric and ultimately fulfilling little film almost too appropriately called 'Little Miss Sunshine'. As stories go, this one isn't really new. Tales of dis functional families are a dime a dozen. What makes this film so special are the unbelievably rich, if crazy, characters. Characters that are strange and detached and yet somehow not weird in any way. The casting is about as good as it gets with Greg Kinnear as a failed motivational speaker to his wife's brother a suicidal gay Steve Carrel to his disturbed Son soaking in teenage angst to his nutty father played brilliantly by Alan Arkin. However, the gem is Abigail Breslin -- the little miss sunshine of the title. She is not only adorable but one of the most real kids to be filmed on screen in a long time.

The road trip to California to get their little miss sunshine elected a beauty queen, the family's journey goes through the usual and the unusual and ends in a hilarious commentry on child beauty pageants and the business of pageants in general.

Don't miss this sunshine.